Bakken Mobile Veterinary Service

We are looking for a veterinarian interested in partnership / ownership.
Small animal only though could expand to large animal if interested. We are hoping to find someone who could start as an associate and would eventually be interested in practice ownership as a partner or sole owner. Owner is willing to stay for 2-5 years depending on your desires and needs. Owner is also willing to finance. No buy in cash, low interest rates for financing. Begin as an associate, partner, or owner - whichever desired. With mobile practice focus is building strong, close relationships with clients.
Our requirements
Veterinarian interested in partnership/ownership. Ability to work on your own. Strong client communication skills required.
Our offer
Great opportunity only working 2.5 to 4.5 days a week. Open Saturday mornings, Saturday scheduling is left up to associate scheduling. No emergencies. 6 paid holidays per year. Simple IRA. Associates receive quarterly bonus; partners would naturally share in profits. Practice is very financially sound and profitable. Good team with experience and great work ethic.
No buy in cash, low interest rates for financing. Begin by partnering or ownership - whichever desired.

Information about the city of Williston and North Dakota

Williston is the sixth-most populous city in North Dakota and located 18 miles from the Montana-North Dakota border and 60 miles from the Canadian border. Williston's economy, while historically based in agriculture and especially ranching, is increasingly being driven by the oil industry. Precipitation is greatest in June and July and averages 14.88 inches annually.
Check out the excellent "Livability" writeup about Williston

North Dakota is the number 1 producer of honey in the nation and nearly 90% of North Dakota's land area is in farms and ranches. ND has the world's largest buffalo monument stands tall on the hill in Jamestown. This 26-foot-tall, 60-ton concrete giant has been standing watch over Jamestown since 1959. Movies filmed in North Dakota include Dakota (1945), My Father’s Garden (1996) and Wooly Boys (2001). A few of the winter scenes in the popular movie Fargo were filmed in North Dakota, and the wood chipper used in the movie is now on display at the Fargo-Moorhead Visitor Center.